Mr Gavin Schaller FRCS.(Tr&Orth.) MBBS. BSc(Hons.) Dip. Hand Surg. (European)

Mr Schaller is a hand & wrist surgeon, dual fellowship trained in both plastic and orthopaedic hand and wrist surgery. He works at West Hertfordshire Teaching NHS Trust, performing both clinics and surgical lists.

Mr Schaller began his medical career at Imperial College, London, where he was awarded his MBBS. He went on to qualify from the prestigious Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH) training program, gaining his FRCS (Trauma & Orthopaedics) from the Royal College of Surgeons (Eng.) and has been awarded the European Diploma of Hand Surgery.

Following completion of his orthopaedic training, Mr Schaller undertook dual fellowships in plastic and orthopaedic hand and wrist surgery, with fellowships in the renowned Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead and Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.

Mr Schaller is widely published in both peer reviewed journals and textbooks and has experience of both clinical and laboratory-based research, remaining active in the field.

With the little free time he has, Gavin can be found spending quality time with his young family or cross country running.